Recommended Apps

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Here's a list of apps for Wii-Linux, curated by Techflash, to help you get the most out of your Linux experience. Most of these will need additional on-disk swap space. helpmii can instruct you how to do that fairly easily.

App Type App Name ArchPOWER package name Notes
Xorg Window Manager i3wm i3 Faster, but not very friendly to new users
Xorg Window Manager IceWM icewm Still relatively fast, but friendlier to new users
Xorg Termainal Emulator XTerm xterm Blazingly fast, but may want to do some configuration to make it look nicer
Web Browser NetSurf netsurf Not all too fast, medium compatibility
Discord Client Abaddon abaddon Dreadfully slow, takes minutes to load
Requires very fast swap to be remotely usable